L1 Digital Fabrication Course

24th-27th November

L1 Digital Fabrication Course

Get training in a FREE introduction to digital fabrication course through Coventry’s Fab Lab, a key skills need for local industry.

The programme will cover:
  • Contact time and support from professional mentors.
  • Additional self-guided learning to develop portfolio and learn how to use 2D modelling software and related machines.
  • Open College Network Level 1 and 2 accreditation (a nationally recognised vocational qualification)  through Coventry University.
  • Support to move into employment, training or further support.

Upcoming FREE courses in Coventry:

  • Digital Fabrication Lvl 1
    • 24th-27th November
    • 10am – 2pm everyday

FabLab, 27 City Arcade 27, CV1 3HX

Because of the changes we have had to make to reopen, booking for courses is essential as we are only able to have a maximum of 4 people on a face-to-face course. To book a place either contact us directly at: info@fablabcov.org.uk or complete an interest form and one of the team will be in contact with you to complete your enrolment. Please use the link below to access the interest form.

Face-to-Face Teaching & Model Collection Resumes

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European Union & Urban Innovative Actions

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative.